Compromiso social

20 years of social commitment and environmental care

Sustainable proyects

Fundación ALAS, is a non-profit institution

We provide financial support so that the “Villa de los Niños” and the “Villa de las Niñas,” initiatives of the Sisters of Mary in Mexico, can continue to operate and to provide comprehensive education to the poorest boys and girls throughout the country. With scholarships from Mexican donors who have supported the "Villa de los Niños" and the "Villa de las Niñas" since their inception, it has been possible to provide comprehensive education, lodging, food, care and all the daily care necessary for more than 5,000 poor Mexican children, who receive support free of charge during the 5 years of their secondary and high school education. However, we need much more financial support so that this work on behalf of so many Mexican boys and girls can continue.

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