Promotional products

We design and develop customized promotional products

Vasos promocionales para Fanta y Sprite.
Vasos promocionales para Coca Cola.
Logo The Premium Lab, Custom-Made Promotional Products.

Close the window with the use of tailored hook items or promotions that will stimulate the shopper's impulse purchase.

Clientes AIM worldwide: Coca-Cola. Clientes AIM worldwide: Danone.Clientes AIM worldwide: Sigma, alimentos. Clientes AIM worldwide: José Cuervo. Clientes AIM worldwide: Electrolit. Clientes AIM worldwide: Pernod Ricard.

Communication and promotion strategies

Render de lapicera metálica personalizada para jugos Del Valle.
Offer your customers collectible promotional items with a high perceived value,  so that they take you straight home.
Mochila personalizada para Tupperware.
The most eye-catching giveaway to help keep your customers loyal! Achieve more with your best choice in custom promotional items.
Artículos promocionales para marcas.
From promotional items that you include in your products to those that are environmentally friendly, showing your that show your environmental responsibility.
75% increase in brand awareness with displays
Un shopper comprando un producto desde un exhibidor personalizado de la marca.
300% increase in the shopper's probability of purchase at the POS
Consumidores recordando una marca gracias a un exhibidor en punto de venta.
20% increase in impulse sales driven by intuitive design
Exhibidor experiencial de Tequila Herradura en supermercado.
90% remember the brand advertised on a promotional item
Los artículos promocionales ayudan a posicionar a una marca en la mente de los consumidores.

Point-of-sale campaigns  with innovative promotional items

Promotional items are powerful marketing tools that leave a lasting impression in the minds of your consumers. Each item not only carries a brand logo, but also the potential to generate recognition and loyalty.

Create tangible connections between the audience and your brand, make consumers experience a sense of gratitude and appreciation, increasing their willingness to interact and having a constant reminder of your brand at hand.

Thats how we create!
Innovation with results
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