Success Stories AIM

Coolio Island FUD: Putting together the perfect combo.

They were placed in the main aisles of supermarkets, preventing shoppers from having to move around the entire supermarket.
Coolio Island FUD: Putting together the perfect combo.
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As with the Islands for Chimex and San Rafael, we are looking to make an eye-catching activation at the point of sale to promote, on this occasion, the FUD chorizo line by cross-selling with products that combine to prepare delicious foods.


We designed and produced islands combining Coolios (cardboard refrigerator that cools) with metal displays on the sides for hot products that combine with the FUD chorizo line and give us ideas on how to prepare delicious dishes. The main objective was to be within reach of the shopper, offering products that combine everything in one place.


The islands were placed in the main aisles of supermarkets with  all the products needed to prepare delicious dishes at home, all in one place, avoiding the shopper having to move around the entire supermarket. In this way, the brand is in the shopper's mind since it was the first thing they saw when entering the store.

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