Success Stories AIM

OnPremise Balcony: with the Coca-Cola product catalogue in view.

Very versatile and it is visible to consumers who visit restaurants or inns, attracting their attention.
OnPremise Balcony: with the Coca-Cola product catalogue in view.
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Have the products in the Coca-Cola catalogue visible to consumers to stimulate the desire to buy and try them.

< h2 id="">Solution

We designed and produced a small balcony which is very versatile as it can be used on a counter or built into the wall and has Capacity of up to 8 bottles to display the Coca-Cola, Ciel, Del Valle, etc. catalog.



The balcony is very versatile and is visible to consumers who visit restaurants or inns, attracting their attention and inviting them to consume Coca-Cola brand products, which increases sales.


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